Downy Pumpkin Patch 2022

The Downey Pumpkin Patch.

It’s October and while out talking to businesses along Florence the other day I came across an enduring seasonal favorite. The Halloween Pumpkin Patch. I found the Downey Pumpkin Patch. It’s thought that carving vegetable lanterns as part of the Halloween ritual started as a Celtic tradition in Ireland and Scotland. The vegetable of choice… Continue Reading The Downey Pumpkin Patch.

Looking For The Big Wheel in Downey, CA.

Looking For The Big Wheel in Downey, CA

It was a very warm afternoon in early fall 2022 and I was headed to the Downey Library to see the Big Wheel of Russell’s Bike Shop fame. There were a lot of people at the library, way too many for me to be comfortable inside the building. Fortunately the Big Wheel was being displayed… Continue Reading Looking For The Big Wheel in Downey, CA