Web Video Log 1 Whittier California

Web Log Whittier History

Join me on a journey into Whittier’s historic past as we take a look at the location where the house once sat of one of Whittier’s most famous citizens.

I am interested in Nixon locations in the Whittier and surrounding areas. Today we visit the location of one of his former homes. While the house might not be there anymore, the location is still of interest.

From a forum I belong to I found out that before the former residence was turned into a Swedish Smorgasbord restaurant there were several boxes of letters from Richard Nixon to his brother found in the garage. One of the letters was telling his brother to stock up on bottles of liquor, for an intended poker party

Checking out local historic sites with my new GoPro camera. I am experimenting with using this as my main camera. The new settings on the camera means I sometimes don’t quite get the shot when I’m in a hurry. Something that did not happen with my old GoPro.

After seeing my hat in this video I think I will try to wear my new hat when doing these web log videos. But not for dog training. I don’t want any dogs biting my new hat.

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