Stetson Cowboy Hat Repair

Stetson Cowboy Hat Repair Video

My hat fixing video. I am trying to save my favorite old Stetson Cowboy Hat from multiple tears in the felt.

In the second go-round of the hat fixing I am using Gorilla Glue and a felt patch and I have a bit more confidence that this time it will work. My old Stetson Cowboy hat has seen a lot of use over the years. This hat has been used a whole lot to break up dog fights and back down attacking dogs. One of the more interesting stories is when the hat was new it even repelled a golf club driver. Yes siree, that driver bounced right off my trusty hat. It has quite a few holes in it from dog bites and just plain old wear, but it’s still a pretty good hat, so I would like to keep wearing it for a few more years.

You can bet that a hat with as many stories behind it as mine there will be new hat repair video on the way.

Wishing all of you the very best.
I have reedited the Stetson Cowboy Hat Repair Video combining both the first and second videos into one.

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